Sirocco CIMI command-line tools

The Sirocco CIMI command-line tools module provides a command line interface to access a CIMI provider. You can use these tools to list resources (machines, volumes, images, systems etc.) and control their lifecycle (creation, deletion, start/stop...).


A zip or tarball can be downloaded from here


Prerequisite:  Java 1.6 or later. The java command must be accessible in your $PATH.
To install the tools you need to download the zip or the tarball and extract it to the folder of your choice.
The following environment variables must be set:

    the directory path where you installed the command line tools
    the endpoint of the CIMI provider
    the username of your account on the CIMI provider
    the password of your account on the CIMI provider

Example set-up using bash:

export CIMICLIENT_TOOLS_HOME=/opt/sirocco-command-line-tools
export CIMICLIENT_ENDPOINT_URL=http://cimiprovider:3421/cimi

Add $CIMICLIENT_TOOLS_HOME/bin to your $PATH to make the cimiclient command accessible.

Optionally, you can set the CIMICLIENT_OPTS variable to override the default authentication mechanism used by the tools (basic authentication):

  • export CIMICLIENT_OPTS=-DCIMICLIENT_AUTH_PLUGIN_CLASS=org.ow2.sirocco.cimi.sdk.auth.NoAuthPlugin
    No authentication (for debugging purposes mostly)
  • export CIMICLIENT_OPTS=-DCIMICLIENT_AUTH_PLUGIN_CLASS=org.ow2.sirocco.cimi.sdk.auth.OpenStackKeystoneAuthPlugin
    Use OpenStack Keystone token-based authentication


The pattern to use the command line interface is as follows:

cimiclient  [client-options] <resource>-<action> [options] [arguments]


  • resource:  a CIMI resource:  machine, machineconfig, machinetemplate, volume, volumeconfig, volumetemplate etc.
  • action:  list|create|delete|update|show
  • options and arguments are generic or command-specific

The generic options are as follows:

  • -first
    (1-based) index of the first entity of the collection to return (valid for list commands only)
  • -last
    (1-based) index of the last entity of the collection to return (valid for list commands only)
  • -select
    subset of the resource to be returned  or to be updated (valid for list, show and update commands only)
  • -expand
    attributes of the resource to expand (valid for list and show commands only)
  • -filter
    filter expression (valid for list commands only)

The client can be configured with the two following options:

  • -debug
    Turns on debugging:  HTTP requests and responses are printed on standard output
  • -xml
    Uses XML serialization (the default is JSON)


Return all my machines:

cimiclient machine-list
|id                                   |name             |created                     |state  |
||MySQL            |Tue Nov 20 18:50:22 CET 2012|STARTED|
||LoadBalancer     |Tue Nov 20 18:50:39 CET 2012|STARTED|
||ApplicationServer|Tue Nov 20 18:50:20 CET 2012|STARTED|

Show detailed information about machine with identifier "":

cimiclient machine-show
|Attribute  |Value                                  |
|id         |  |
|name       |LoadBalancer                           |
|description|Apache front-end load-balancer         |
|created    |Tue Nov 20 18:50:39 CET 2012           |
|properties |(location,France) (provider,openstack) |
|state      |STARTED                                |
|cpu        |1                                      |
|memory     |2 GB                                   |
|disks      |10 MB                                  |
|private IP |                            |
|public IP  |                         |

Return the id, name, cpu and memory attributes of all machine configurations:

cimiclient machineconfig-list -select name,cpu,memory
|id                                         |name    |cpu|memory|
||micro   |1  |630 MB|
||tiny    |1  |512 MB|
||small   |2  |2 GB  |

Same request but return only machine configurations with a number of CPUs greater or equal to 2:

cimiclient machineconfig-list -select id,name,cpu,memory -filter "cpu>=2"
|id                                         |name    |cpu|memory|
||small   |12 |2 GB  |

Return the first four machine images from the catalog of images visible to me:

cimiclient  machineimage-list -select id,description -first 1 -last 4
|id                                        |description                        |
||Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10 Server 64 bits|
||Ubuntu 11.04 server 64bits         |
||Debian 5.0 32 bits                 |
||LAMP stack on Debian 5.0           |

Create a machine named "myMachine" with a specific machine config and machine image id:

cimiclient  machine-create -name myMachine -config -image
|Attribute|Value                             |
|id       ||
|Attribute|Value                                 |
|id       ||

Note that (assuming the CIMI provider supports Jobs), the identifier of the machine creation job is returned along with the identifier of the machine being-created.

The job can be consulted like this:
cimiclient job-show
|Attribute            |Value                                 |
|id                   |    |
|description          |Machine Collection add                |
|created              |Wed Nov 21 14:58:45 CET 2012          |
|properties           |(parent-machine,ok)                   |
|state                |SUCCESS                               |
|action               |add                                   |
|target resource      ||
|affected resources   ||
|time of status change|Wed Nov 21 14:58:46 CET 2012          |

Let's change the name of the machine and add a description:

cimiclient  machine-update -name "WebServer" -description "a test machine"
Machine being updated
|Attribute|Value                             |
|id       ||

Let's start the machine:
cimiclient  machine-start
Starting machine http://localhost:9000/cimi/machines/18
|Attribute|Value                             |
|id       ||

Finally, let's delete the machine:

cimiclient  machine-delete
Machine being deleted
|Attribute|Value                             |
|id       ||